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Rapid Teeth Whitening Session + FREE LED Light

Rapid Teeth Whitening Session + FREE LED Light

C$299.00 Regular Price
C$249.00Sale Price

Are you looking for a quick and easy solution to whiten your teeth in about an hour? Here is what you need to know about our RAPID Teeth Whitening sessions: 


  • one of our professionally-trained PEAK Teeth Whitening specialists will greet you

  • a gel barrier is placed on your gums and surrounding tissue to prevent solution from getting on these tissues 

  • a specially-formulated, high concentration professional-strength PEAK TEETH WHITENING™ solution is applied to your teeth

  • the unique PEAK LED light is used to activate the solution and is yours to keep FREE! ($60 Value)

  • the solution penetrates deep into the tooth structure, where it is broken down into oxygen that lifts the stains, bleaches the underlying tooth structure and makes your teeth whiter and brighter

  • a 60 minute session can whiten your teeth 2-10+ shades​

  • is the ultimate adjunct to the PEAK Teeth Whitening Kit, Syringes or Pens to have your teeth reach their PEAK TEETH WHITENESS​​



  • How long does the session take?

    • we recommend a 60 minute session (or as close to an hour as you wish).

    • during the hour, fresh solution is applied to the teeth several times

  • Why is Rapid TW better than (OTC) products?

    • the specially-formulated, high concentration  professional-strength PEAK TEETH WHITENING™ solution is a much stronger concentration than any (OTC) over-the-counter product

    • since the gel solution is placed directly on the teeth to be whitened, the PEAK LED light can be used to concentrate the light energy on the teeth

    • the combination of blue lights and red lights aid in the activation of the solution and expedite the teeth whitening process. 

    • the special wavelengths of the LED lights are designed to create less sensitivity while whitening the teeth

  • What are the side-effects of Rapid Teeth Whitening

    • like any whitening solution, teeth sensitivity  may occur in some individuals. Sensitivity is temporary and will soon disappear.  Most of our customers do not experience any teeth sensitivity at all

    • if some of the solution passes through the barrier onto the gums, the gum tissue may temporarily turn white for a bit, then red, then back to normal.

  • Teeth Whitening is NOT recommended for:


    • pregnant or breastfeeding women - studies simply have not been done to show what long term effects whitening may have for these conditions.
    • children under 12. Keep out of reach of children.
    • people with gum disease, loose teeth, loose fillings, cavities or any other pain or discomfort
    • people that may be allergic to hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, potassium nitrate, benecel, trolamine, stevioside, peppermint oil, glycerin, urea peroxide, and/ or buffered polycarboxylic acid.
  • Is the Rapid Teeth Whitening solution safe?

    • Whitening products have been used extensively without side effects for well over 30+ years.
    • bleaching with specialized solutions have been proven to be safe and effective. No adverse long-term effects have been shown in studies of professional teeth whitening.
    • The teeth whitening solution will not permanently harm tooth structure, gums and surrounding tissues or existing dental work.
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