Shop Invisalign Retainers
Let's help you get started.
You've transformed your smile by aligning your teeth, now keep them straight with Invisalign Retainers.
Shop Invisalign® Retainers. Let's help you get started.
You have completed Invisalign® treatment and have straight teeth - now let's keep them straight with Invisalign® retainers.
clear and virtually invisible
custom-made for you
made with Invisalign's state-of-the-art technology
one upper, one lower or one pair of Invisalign® retainers
each set may last 1-2+ years
*** Invisalign® branded retainers may be ordered for current or previous Invisalign® Treatment customers only
strong, durable and long-lasting
Dental Claim Information will be provided to help with Insurance reimbursement when purchasing Retainers (if applicable)
FREE Case with Retainer order
FREE Shipping
FREE BONUS of a Syringe Trio - 3 PEAK Teeth Whitening Syringes
collection of 3 Gel Syringes (Low, Medium & High Strength)
used with the retainers to help whiten & brighten teeth